General Liability
Maximum limit is $1,000,000 each occurrence / $2,000,000 aggregate Bodily Injury and Property Damage.
We will offer Commercial General Liability Occurrence Form
- Premises and operations
- Products/Completed operations
- Personal Injury and Advertising Liability
- Fire Damage
- Medical Expenses
Policy Forms and Rates
Insurance Service Office and GIC Rules, Loss Cost Rates and Forms, apply in all cases.
State of Florida ONLY
Each General Liability policy will include a minimum $500 Property Damage Liability deductible per claim.
General Liability Prohibited List
- Advertisers, Broadcasters or Telecasters Liability
- Aircraft or Airport Operations
- Amusement Parks or Devises
- Animal Shows
- Atomic Energy Risks
- Blasting Operation
- Boarding Houses
- Boat Liveries or Boat Yards
- Bridge, Chimney shaft or underground operations’
- Building Moving, Raising or Underpinning
- Caissons or Coffer Dams - Construction
- Chemical Manufacturing
- Citrus Groves - All operations
- Collection Agencies
- Contractor’s Equipment Rental without operators
- Convention or Exhibition Buildings
- Cotton Gins
- Dance Halls
- Day Schools
- Day Nurseries
- Detective or Patrol Agencies
- Directors and Officers Liability
- Dry Dock Operations
- Electric Power Line Construction Exhibitions
- Gasoline Refineries: Sales, Heating, Installation or Repair including LP Gas
- Golf Driving Ranges
- Government Entities
- Grain Elevators
- Gymnasiums
- Health Clubs
- Heavy Machinery and Equipment, Home Power Tools, or Oil Drilling Equipment
- Homes - Nursing or for the Aged or Orphaned
- Horse Stables - Breeding, Training and Exhibition
- Hospitals and Sanitariums
- Iron and Steel Erection - including Bridge Construction
- Liquefied Petroleum Gases or other Gas or Gaseous products
- Logging or Lumbering
- Malpractice or Professional Liability
- Manufacturers, Storage, Handling or use of any Explosive or Explosive Substance
- Maritime Operation
- Mining Quarrying
- Motion Picture Production
- Newspaper Deliveries
- Night Clubs, including Bars, Cocktail Lounges with Live Entertainment
- Oil or Gas wells - all operations
- Operations of Docks, Dockyards or Berthing of Vessels
- Organized Athletics
- Painting of Bridges, Tanks or Towers, Buildings over 3 stories
- Parks or Playgrounds
- Pile Driving
- Pool Halls
- Professional Liability
- Public Utilities
- Quarries
- Quasi Governmental Entities
- Races, Speed Contests or Rodeos
- Railroad Operations
- Real Estate Development Properties
- Reducing Salons
- Roofing Operations
- Salvage Operations
- Sand Blasting
- Saw Mills
- Scaffolding or Ladders - Manufacture, Erection or Rental
- Schools, seminars, classes
- Shaft Work or Shaft Sinking
- Shipbuilding
- Skating Rinks
- Sports Events or Arenas, Bandstands or Stadiums
- Spray Painting
- Steeple, Chimney or Tower Construction
- Sub aqueous Work
- Subway, Tunnel or Sewer Construction
- Tobacco Products
- Tank Erection
- Taxi Cabs
- Theaters
- Tool Rental
- Tree Pruning, Spraying or Removal
- Underground Work Including Underground Mining and Quarrying Tunneling, and Subway Construction
- Vessels of all descriptions, ownership, operation, handling, repair or maintenance
- Window Cleaning - over 2 stories
- Wrecking, Demolition or moving of buildings or structures
Prohibited Products Including Completed Operations
- Abrasive or Grinding Wheels
- Aircraft or Aircraft Parts
- Alarm Systems - Burglar or Fire
- Animal Food
- Artificial Limbs or Prosthetic Devices
- Automobile or Automobile Parts
- Boats & Boat Equipment
- Bottling or Manufacturing of Soft Drinks, Beer, Ale or Liquor
- Chemicals or Chemical products
- Concrete Pre-stressed Forms
- Cosmetic, Hair, Scalp or Skin Preparations
- Drugs, Medicine, or Pharmaceutical
- Dyes
- Electrical Equipment - for application to the body
- Elevators - Installation or Manufacturing
- Equipment Rental operation
- Extracts
- Food or Food Products - Production or Manufacture (not restaurants) *
- Gasoline Stoves, Heaters, Lamps or Blow torches Manufacturing, Installation, Repair or sales
- Glass installation over 3 stories
- Hair waving machines
- Industrial Machinery & Equipment
- Insecticides
- Instruments - Medical Precision or Scientific
- Milk or Cream - Unpasteurized
- Remote Control Devices
- Roofing Operations
- Satellite dishes
- Secondhand Material or Junk Dealers
- Sports Equipment
- Surgical or Hospital Equipment or Supplies - including wheelchairs
- Tobacco Products
- Trailers - Home or Sport
- Toys
* Submit for Underwriting
Updated 3/07